In Store Marketing
We monitor insights and promotional activities at supermarkets, specialized retailers and horeca channels.
In Store Marketing Activities
inStore Marketing and Retailtainment represent the answer to “ Experiential Marketing” ‘ s demand as purchase lever and brand’s knowledge. Use of solutions for sales support and driven sale through promoters represents a surplus as regards perception of product and chances of differentiation.

With an activity of Instore Marketing it is possible not only to increase awareness on a brand exactly in places where audience can find it, but to create a distinction from competitors from an “ experiential “ point of view.

Hostess Belgrade is present in Instore and Retail by managing products’ launches and indoor demos in commercial areas in order to make the purchasing experience more fascinating and efficient.

Interaction with Instore customer is essential because it is reached in the exact moment of purchase : if we are able to intervene in a focused and concise way but with professionalism we help product to increase sales and be visible. Operations of instore marketing are performed when a brand wants to make its visibility more intense and pushes sell-out of its products.